EFFECTIVENESS OF GROUNDWATER EXPLOITATION AND USAGE MANAGEMENT POLICIES IN O MON DISTRICT/Huynh Vuong Thu Minh, [...và nh.ng.kh.],Scientific Journal Of Thu Dau Mot University, No 6(31) –2016, Dec. 2016

This research was carried out to assess effectiveness of enforcement procedures for groundwater management policies in O Mon district of Can Tho city. The specific research objective were: (i) assessment of groundwater level declining from 2000 to 2013; (ii) assessment effectiveness of groundwater policy and (iii) to propose solutions to improved effective groundwater management in the research area. Methods were used: (i) collection and classification of legal groundwater resources documents (valid); (ii) basic statistical data analysis to assess groundwater level declining; (iii) field trip observation and interview both households and businesses were used groundwater about current groundwater management policy; and (iv) Consultation both experts and local authorities were proposed solutions to improved efficiency of groundwater management. The research results showed that, from 2001 to 2010.
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